A place to share cool science ideas for storytime!

Archive for January, 2024

Rabbit Stories

Willow and Bunny written by Anitra Rowe Schulte

Bunny needs a new home. After a long journey, he meets Willow and knows he will be safe beneath her branches. Every day is theirs to share. Just Bunny and Willow, Willow and Bunny. Then, one evening, an angry spiral whips through the wood. Every creature in the forest runs to Willow for shelter. As the storm rages, Willow shields and protects them with all her might. But when the calm returns, Willow’s beautiful branches are tattered, twisted, and forever changed. Bunny and the other creatures know it is their turn to help.

No Bunnies here! Written by Tammi Sauer

A bunny tries to convince a wolf there are no bunnies around, while bunny after bunny hops into the scene.

A Friend for Yoga Bunny written and illustrated by Brian Russo

Running into Bear who is anxious about celebrating her birthday, Yoga Bunny shows her yoga poses, meditation warm-ups, and deep breathing exercises to help her enjoy her day.

Out of a Jar written and illustrated by Deborah Marcero

Llewellyn, a little rabbit overwhelmed by his emotions, hides away his feelings in glass jars, until he discovers life is more colorful when he sets his emotions free.

Problem solved! Written and illustrated by Jan Thomas

Rabbit has a problem! Her room is a mess. Luckily, Pete the Problem-Solving Porcupine shows up just in time. He can save the day! Except…things don’t go quite to plan, and Rabbit realizes that Pete may actually be a problem-causer! Can Rabbit find a way to solve this unexpected new dilemma before chaos ensues?

Pocket Full of Sads written by Brad Davidson

Bunny learns you cannot always fix someone else’s sadness.

Nubby written by Dan Richards

An overworked stuffed bunny strikes out on a quest for fame and appreciation, only to realize that home is where he belongs.

The White Rabbit from the Moon: a tale in English and Chinese

In this beautifully illustrated fable, the White Rabbit must save the city from the pandemic that is raging among its residents. With no known cure for the illness that besets them, the citizens of the capital are suffering. However, when the White Rabbit comes down from the Moon Palace to help, nobody believes that she truly has the answer to their problems. A rabbit? How can a rabbit cure a disease?


Hares and Rabbits written by Ryan Gale

Explores the similarities between hares and rabbits, and how to tell them apart. Discover how traits like ear shape, leg size, and habitat can be used to identify these furry creatures. Additional features include a side-by-side comparison of the animals, an activity encouraging readers to demonstrate their knowledge, a phonetic glossary, sources for further reading, an introduction to the author, and an index.

Types of rabbits: https://www.animalspot.net/rabbit

Pet rabbit care routine with young children: http://: https://happyhomeschooladventures.com/montessori-pets-and-caring-for-animals-as-practical-life/

How to Make a Paper Bunny Craft: https://www.firefliesandmudpies.com/make-paper-bobble-head-bunny-craft/

Paper plate rabbit craft: https://kidscraftroom.com/adorable-paper-plate-rabbit-craft/

Pop up bunny rabbit puppet: https://kidscraftroom.com/pop-bunny-rabbit-puppet/

Snow and Snowflakes

I’m Going to Build a Snowman written and illustrated by Jashar Awan

When a little boy wakes up to see a blanket of snow covering the world outside, there’s only one thing to do: make a snowman, and not just any snowman–he wants the best snowman ever. But when his perfectly packed and powdery dreams clash with cold, slushy reality, he realizes the best snowman ever may be out of reach…but he can make his best snowman yet.

So Much Snow written and illustrated by Hyunmin Park

It snowed all night long. It snowed so much that when two children awake in the morning and want to go outside to play, a shovel isn’t even close to being enough. It’s SO MUCH SNOW!

Just One Flake written and illustrated by Travis Jonker

Determined to catch a perfect snowflake, Liam sticks out his tongue and tries a number of tricks, all to no avail, but after giving it one last shot, he grabs one in an unexpected way.

We Want Snow! A wintry chant written by Jamie Swenson

In this raucous, rhyming plea for snow, a group of youngsters imagines the cold-weather delights they’ll enjoy once winter arrives. From sledding down hills and skating on ponds to building snow forts and snowmen to sharing crackling fires and mugs of hot cocoa, they want snow and plenty of it! The snow can’t arrive soon enough. But once the flakes start to fall, are the youngsters in for more than they bargained for?

Little Red written and illustrated by Will Hillenbrand

The annual tree-lighting is one of the most beloved nights of the year. But a snowstorm has blanketed the streets and made it difficult for the community to get around. Enter Little Red! A cute-as-a-button pickup truck with a mighty spirit and a heart of gold. Little Red will stop at nothing to help his neighbors–the show must go on!

Maisy’s Snowy Day written and illustrated by Lucy Cousins

Maisy wakes up in the morning to find that it’s snowing–what an exciting surprise! She and her friends bundle up and head to the park to play.

Words to Make a Friend: a story in Japanese and English written by Donna Jo Napoli

When a young Japanese girl moves into her new house, she is happy to see a girl her age playing in the snow just outside her window. The only problem is the Japanese girl doesn’t speak English and the American girl doesn’t speak Japanese. But each girl’s love of the snow teaches them that they don’t need to speak the same language to have fun!

Fizzy snow: a sensory science exploration: https://inspirationlaboratories.com/fizzy-snow/

Melting snow science experiment: https://creativefamilyfun.net/snow-science-prediction-and-observation/

Experimenting with snow: https://teachingmama.org/experimenting-snow/

Shivery snow paint recipe: https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/snow-paint/

Over and Under the Snow Building Activity: https://www.pre-kpages.com/snow-building-activity/

Snowstorm art painting project: https://onelittleproject.com/winter-painting/

Groundhog Day

A Greyhound, a Groundhog written by Emily Jenkins

A tongue twister featuring a little round greyhound and a little round groundhog who work themselves into a frenzy as they whirl around and around one another.

Groundhug Day written by Anne Marie Pace

Moose is planning the biggest Valentine’s Day party ever. But can he convince his friend, Groundhog, to stay around to celebrate without hiding from his shadow?

Groundhog’s Day off written by Robb Pearlman

Tired of being asked only about the weather, a sensitive groundhog decides to take a vacation right before the big day in February.

Brownie Groundhog and the Wintry Surprise written by Susan Blackaby

Brownie the groundhog is ready for her long winter nap, but her friends miss her so much they can’t obey her orders not to disturb her. Instead they hatch a plan for a nighttime surprise.

Brownie Groundhog and the February fox written by Susan Blackaby

Brownie the groundhog is ready for her long winter nap, but her friends miss her so much they can’t obey her orders not to disturb her. Instead they hatch a plan for a nighttime surprise.


Groundhog Day written by Sharon Katz Cooper

Groundhog Day puts weather prediction in the paws of a rodent! To celebrate this holiday, some people watch Punxsutawney Phil in person, on TV, or online. Others make springtime crafts or have groundhog parties. Readers will discover how a shared special day can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways.

Will the groundhog see his shadow paper plate craft: https://www.kidssoup.com/member/will-the-groundhog-see-his-shadow

Groundhog Day shadow experiments: https://lessons4littleones.com/2015/02/01/groundhog-day-activities-science-experiments-patterns-puppet-game-history/

Groundhog Day Activities & Printable Song Card: https://www.thingstoshareandremember.com/groundhog-day-activities-printable-song-card/

Great Big Moose!

Hornbeam All In written by Cynthia Rylant

Hornbeam the moose goes on a picnic with his best friend Eureka, sleeps over his friend Cuddy’s house, and learns how to swim with Adorabelle.

Moose, Goose, and Mouse written and illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein

Moose, Goose, and Mouse ride a loose caboose on their way to finding a new house.

The More the Merrier written by David Martin

Stepping high, galumphing low, leaping fast, wiggling slow. “I like your moves. But I’m not like you. So I’ll just do what I can do.” Some like to kick their feet and bend their knees to the music. Others prefer to slip and slide . . . or swoop down . . . or skip high and low!

Hockey in the Wild written and illustrated by Nicholas Oldland

The bear, the moose and the beaver want nothing more this winter than to play hockey — there’s just one problem: the frozen lake they play on won’t freeze! With their ice rink looking more like a swimming pool, the trio head home and wait for the colder weather to arrive. To pass the time, they watch TV. They sleep. They eat junk food. They even sing sad songs. But once winter finally arrives, will the friends be in any shape to play hockey?

The Moose of Ewenki written by Gerelchimeg Blackcrane

When a Mongolian elder named Gree Shek hunts a female moose by mistake, her young calf is left behind. Saddened by her loss, Gree Shek names the calf Xiao Han (“Little Moose”) and the moose and man form an authentic attachment. Xiao Han accompanies Gree Shek as the hunter-gatherer herds reindeer, sets up camp, forages for food in the forest, and visits his peoples’ village, where many fun adventures happen. But as the little moose grows bigger, Gree Shek knows he must return his companion to the forest.

This is a Moose written by Richard T Morris

Director Billy Waddler is trying to film a documentary about moose, but the moose in question has no intention of spending his life in the woods and his animal friends, who have dreams of their own, help him prove his point.

Groundhug Day written by Anne Marie Pace

Moose is planning the biggest Valentine’s Day party ever. But can he convince his friend, Groundhog, to stay around to celebrate without hiding from his shadow?


Moose written by Grace Hansen

Early readers can delve into the wild world of moose with this title. They’ll learn what moose eat, their preferred habitats, and other great facts, alongside awesome photographs.

Moose facts: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/moose

Moose Paper Bag Puppets: https://theromantichomeschooler.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/m-is-for-moose-moose-paperbag-puppets/