A place to share cool science ideas for storytime!

Archive for April, 2018

Libraries Rock! Picture Books

Symphony City by Amy Martin

A girl gets lost on the subway as she travels with her father to a concert. Music is symbolized as different objects that convey the emotion she feels as she listens. This is a beautifully illustrated book  and a wonderful way to introduce children to the different sounds of  instruments.

Drum Dream Girl by Margarita Engle and illustrated by Rafael Lopez

Based on the true story of Millo Castro Zaldarriaga, a Chinese-African-Cuban girl, this book tells the story of a girl breaking tradition to follow her dreams of playing the drums. Millo is passionate about drumming, but in Cuba, females are not allowed to drum.

The girl dreams of playing freely and in public. Her father refuses to let her play with her sisters’ band, but eventually he allows her to have drum lessons. The girl’s teacher marvels at her skill and urges her on until finally she plays for an enthusiastic audience in a starlit garden café.

López’s vivid symbolic illustrations immerse readers in the world of the drum dream girl’s aspirations; she floats above the earth, drumsticks outstretched to the round face of the moon.

Classroom activities for the book can be found here: http://www.theclassroombookshelf.com/2016/02/drum-dream-girl-how-one-girls-courage-changed-music-2016-pura-belpre-illustrator-award/

Bats in the Band by Brian Lies

The bats are back and they’ve formed a band! Rhyme sets the rhythm for this special night of fun and dance. A soulful ballad brings tears, a performer entertains the little ones, and a chorus brings them all together. Wonderful details and education on different instruments and music genres.

Spunky Little Monkey by Bill Martin Jr and Michael Sampson

Monkey need help getting out of bed so Mama has some rhymes to help him wake up and be ready to start his day.

A great active read for spunky little monkeys out there. Children will want to participate and do the actions along with monkey.

Miguel and the Grand Harmony by Matt de la Pena

An original story based on the characters of the film, Disney Pixar’s Coco. Told from the point of view of La Música (presented in the form of a delicate golden sprite), the reader follows the spirit of music through the streets of a Mexican town.

One Bear Extraordinaire by Jayme McGowan

Bear is “a rambling musician, an entertainer, a legend.” When he comes up with a new song he feels that “something is missing.” He sets out to discover what this “something” is,  he encounters various instrument-playing creatures who join with him to form a band.

Old MacDonald had a Farm by Gris Grimly

Preschoolers will love singing along as they join Farmer on his morning stroll across the farmyard and he greets each of his farm animals and gets them to join his parade.  His farm is full of  silliness and mayhem, filled with animals whose necks and legs are impossibly stretchy. His hens are stout (one is hatching something that… doesn’t seem to be a chicken), he finds his donkey chowing down in the pumpkin patch, and he gives a runt piglet to his cow to nurse. Little ones will enjoy when the parade ends in an unexpected twist ending!

Farmer Joe and the Music Show by Tony Mitton, illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees

Farmer Joe soon realizes that the way to liven up the farm is through music. With the help of his instrument-playing friends, Farmer Joe soon has the hens clucking, the pigs hoofing, and the cows mooing to a hillbilly music show.








Libraries Rock: All About Sound

Sound by Peter Riley

How does it work? This book explores frequencies, pitch, and volume including how sound travels, the anatomy of an ear, and what makes an echo. Readers are encouraged to follow the examples and engage in scientific exploration.


What’s that sound; classifying sounds ; loud, quiet, long, short, high pitch, low pitch

How is sound made; stretch a rubber band around a plastic box and pluck it with your finger

Seeing sounds: use a rope tied to a door handle to see the waves when you shake it.

Sounds near and far

Loud sounds, quiet sounds: the decibel scale

Pitch: slow and quick vibrations, low and high frequency

Rubber bands and strings

Wind instruments

Speed of sound

Sounds in solids and liquids; table test, balloon test

Sound insulation


Sound by Darlene Lauw

  • Sound energy – wrap plastic over speakers and watch sand jump
  • Transmission of sound, ear on the table, spy telephone (cup with string)
  • The speed of sound
  • Hearing sound artificial ear experiment with paper plate and cup
  • Playing with sound waves – collecting them with an umbrella, reflecting sound waves cardboard tubes
  • Qualities of sound
  • Fun with music – make a panpipe with 10 straws


Awesome Experiments in Light & Sound by Michael DiSpezio, illustrated by Catherine Leary

Investigates the different sounds of a vibrating ruler, producing sound with a blade of grass, and a variety of experiments with straws.

Sounds All Around by Wendy Pfeffer, illustrated by Holly Keller.

Easy to understand nonfiction book that preschoolers will enjoy. Sound activities included at the end of the book such as making a guitar out of tissue box and rubber bands, musical glasses and the sounds matching game.

Big Book of Building by Marne Ventura includes instructions for a Groovy Guitar made with cardboard, rubber bands and other recycled items. The book also gives instructions on how to make Hot Beats Bongo Drums from oatmeal containers and duct tape.

The Science of Sound: Projects and Experiments with Music and Sound Waves by Steve Parker

Includes these topics: What is sound? — Sounds underwater — Quiet…or…LOUD! — High or low — Hearing sounds — Where’s that sound? — Speed of sound — Bouncing sound — Making sounds — Soaking up sound — Sound along a line — Recorded sound — Sound history.

Light, sound, and waves science fair projects : using sunglasses, guitars, CDs, and other stuff by Robert Gardner

Why can dogs hear sounds that humans cannot? Why does a flame give off light? How does a mirror work? In this book of experiments, readers learn how to explore the world of light and sound, with additional ideas for science fair projects.

Sound and light by Jack Challoner

White light and color, recording sound and light, and the light-bending properties of mirrors, prisms, and lenses are all explored in 40 hands-on, fascinating experiments.

Sound activities for preschoolers:

Water whistles with straws


Underwater sound experiment for kids


Bowls with plastic wrap vibration experiment with sugar:


Exploring sound with a hanger and string


Easy music science ideas


Libraries Rock is Instrumental!

We have some creative ways to enjoy the summer reading theme Libraries Rock!

Here are a few books and ideas.

 Getting the Most out of Makerspaces to Make Musical Instruments by Greg Rosa

 Cardboard folk instruments to make & play by Dennis Waring
Handmade music factory : the ultimate guide to making foot-stompin’-good instruments by Michael Orr
Junkyard jam band : DIY musical instruments and noisemakers by David Erik Nelson

Activity ideas

Mini-banjos from jar lids http://www.thecrafttrain.com/mini-lid-banjos/

Banjos from paper plates https://www.parents.com/fun/arts-crafts/kid/crafts-made-from-paper-plates-cups/#page=2

Recycled box guitar https://funfamilycrafts.com/recycled-box-guitar/

Popsicle stick harmonica http://www.housingaforest.com/popsicle-stick-harmonica/

Wind pipe straw instrument https://laughingkidslearn.com/wind-pipe-instrument

Cardboard tube xylophone https://theinspiredtreehouse.com/homemade-instruments-for-kids-diy-xylophone/

Wrapping Paper Tube Xylophone http://www.doodlesandjots.com/2013/12/27/wrapping-paper-tube-xylophone/

Tin Can Xylophone http://www.busybeekidscrafts.com/Tin-Can-Xylophone.html

Pool Noodle Sand Blocks http://nancymusic.blogspot.com/2011/07/tuesday-tip-swimming-noodle-sand-blocks.html

DIY Rhythm Sticks and Activities http://www.theottoolbox.com/2015/06/diy-rhythm-sticks-and-activities.html

Paper plate Tambourines https://www.stickymudandbellylaughs.com/2017/04/diy-tambourine-paper-plate-craft.html