A place to share cool science ideas for storytime!

Archive for February, 2020

Enormous Elephants!

Elmer’s Birthday written and illustrated by David McKee

The elephants decide it’s their turn to play a trick on Elmer: all of the animals must pretend to forget his birthday tomorrow! But when the day comes the trick doesn’t quite go according to plan. The elephants should have listened to Elmer’s friends … A new tale to celebrate Elmer the Patchwork Elephant’s 30th birthday from master-storyteller David McKee, this is the twenty-seventh Elmer storybook!

The Goose Egg written and illustrated by Liz Wong

Henrietta the elephant’s serene life is disrupted when a baby goose comes to stay, but after Goose finally leaves, Henrietta no longer enjoys the quiet.

Meet Miss Fancy by Irene Latham                  

Ten-year-old African American boy wants to welcome the circus elephant named Miss Fancy to her new home in a nearby park, but he is disappointed to see a sign – No Colored Allowed.

A Parade of Elephants written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes

Illustrations and easy-to-read text introduce such basic concepts as adjectives, adverbs, daytime, and nighttime as they follow five elephants marching from dawn to dusk.

Zola’s Elephant by Randall De Sève

A little girl hesitates to initiate a friendship with her new neighbor Zola because she imagines Zola is busy with another friend–an elephant.

Poe Won’t Go by Kelly DiPucchio

When an elephant plants himself in the road and refuses to move, the people of Persnickety try all sorts of methods to get him to go–but one thoughtful little girl works up the courage to do what no one else has done: ask him.

Let’s Go! Written and illustrated by Sarah Williamson

Beep! beep! colors and sounds collide as Tuski the elephant gets ready for adventure. And there’s room for everyone in Tuski’s red taxi.

Can Somebody Please Scratch my Back? By Jory John

Elephant has a massive itch that no one can scratch, so Elephant is forced to help himself–or so he thinks.

That Fruit is Mine! Written and illustrated by Anuska Allepuz

When five fruit-loving elephants spot a scrumptious hard-to-reach fruit high up in a tree, it’s a race to see who can claim it first! But after one too many fumbles, the elephants begin to lose their cool, and the highly coveted fruit is whisked away by the teeny-tiniest of all jungle creatures–mice! The elephants soon realize they have a lot to learn from this cooperative little bunch.


The Elephant written and illustrated by Jenni Desmond

Elephants have roamed the Earth for millions of years, but only two species remain in the world today: the African elephant and the Asian elephant. Though African and Asian elephants are noticeably different, these enormous, intelligent animals have many similarities, too. Their trunks are powerful enough to pick up even the smallest of berries. With their amazing memories, they find watering holes they haven’t visited in years. Their cushioned feet can detect the powerful footfalls of other elephants from six miles away.

Why do elephants need the sun? by Robert E. Wells

Describes the sun and how it relates to photosynthesis, gravity, nuclear fusion, and weather conditions.

Elephant anatomy: https://elpkidscorner.weebly.com/elephant-anatomy.html

Elephant Paper Plate Craft: https://laurawilliamsmusings.blogspot.com/2015/09/elephant-paper-plate-craft.html

Marvelous Monsters!

Alfred’s Book of Monsters written and illustrated by Sam Streed

Alfred loves the monsters in his book, and he does not like teatime with his aunt–until he decides to invite three of his favorite monsters to join him for tea.

Even Monsters Go to School by Lisa Wheeler

A grown-up monster describes in rhyming verse how monsters of all types go to school, and so must this child monster, no matter how glum about the prospect.

Alma and the Beast written and illustrated by Esmé Shapiro

Alma lives happily in her hairy world, where she can pet the trees and comb the grass, until one day when she encounters a hairless beast who has lost her hairless home.

How I Met my Monster by Amanda Noll

Five quirky little creatures vie to become Ethan’s monster, charged with getting him into bed and keeping him there so that he falls asleep.

No More Monsters Under your bed! By Jordan Chouteau

In this funny, empowering tale, a little boy is afraid of the creatures hiding under his bed, behind the hamper, and in his closet every night–that is, until his parents give him a magic no-more-monsters patch that makes him invisible to all of them!

The Most Terrible of All by Muon Van

When a monster meets his neighbor’s new baby he discovers true terribleness can come in tiny packages.

Dragons eat Noodles on Tuesdays by Jon Stahl

While two monsters argue over how the story they are telling should go, Dennis, a very hungry dragon, is listening nearby–and he has very definite ideas about how this story should end.

Lula and the Sea Monster written and illustrated by Alex Latimer

Lula and her parents must leave their beloved house on the beach, but Bean, the tiny creature she rescued from a seagull, becomes a friend and does not want her to go.

Quit Calling Me a Monster by Jory John

A young monster resents being called a monster.

I Will Chomp You! by Jory John

A monster tries to chomp any reader who wants to go past the first page of the book in order to keep his cakes safe.

Monster card match game: https://www.artsyfartsymama.com/2012/10/monster-match-game-free-printable.html

Yarn monster craft: https://eighteen25.com/lil-love-monsters/

Shape monster craft: https://www.livewellplaytogether.com/shape-monster-craft/

Cold as Ice!

Chilly da Vinci written and illustrated by Jarrett Rutland

When one of Chilly da Vinci’s inventions separates a chunk of ice from his home iceberg, he must invent something quickly to get himself and the other penguins back home.

Ice Boy by David Ezra Stein

Tired of helping others cool their drinks, Ice Boy proceeds to sneak out of the freezer and heads to the beach, where his edges begin to blur. Eventually he melts and becomes Water Boy and then he evaporates and turns into Vapor Boy. Then a big storm freezes him back into Ice Boy and sends him home–before a new adventure begins.

Little Red Gliding Hood by Tara Lazar

Little Red is an excellent ice skater, but she will need a good partner for the skating pairs competition and the only one available is a certain Wolf, who needs new skates as badly as Little Red does.

The Geezer in the Freezer by Randall Wright

Stuck between a rump roast and a pie, the old man living in the freezer finally gets to tell his tale of woe.

Fox’s Garden by Princesse Camcam,

One snowy night, a fox loses its way, entering a village. Chased away by the grown ups, Fox takes shelter in a greenhouse. A little boy sees this from his window. Without hesitating, he brings a basket of food to the greenhouse, where he leaves it for the fox. His gift is noticed and the night becomes a garden of new life, nourished by compassion and kindness.

Ice Palace by Deborah Blumenthal

A girl and her father help plan the annual winter carnival in Saranac Lake Village, New York, as the girl’s uncle and other prisoners work together to build its centerpiece, the ice palace.

Bunnies on Ice by Johanna Wright

A confident and determined young rabbit demonstrates how to be a champion ice-skater.

Henry Holton Takes the Ice by Sandra Bradley, Sandra

Henry Holton comes from an ice hockey-obsessed family, but despite his comfort on the ice, his aspirations lead him to pursue another sport–ice dancing.

Mice Skating by Annie Silvestro

Lucy the field mouse’s friends avoid going outdoors in winter until Lucy introduces the delights of skating.

Flora and the Penguin written and illustrated by Molly Schaar Idle

In this wordless, lift-the-flap picture book, Flora and her new friend, the penguin, dance on the ice together and learn to treat each other with respect and kindness.

Ice explorations: https://www.parentingscience.com/preschool-science-experiment.html

Ice painting :https://www.easypeasyandfun.com/painting-with-ice/

Fizzy ice experimentation: https://www.toddlerapproved.com/2014/01/fizzy-ice-science-activity-for-kids.html

Frozen dinosaur eggs: https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/frozen-dinosaur-eggs-ice-excavation-sensory-play/

Sneezing Sneezes!

Zoo ah-choooo by Peter Mandel

On a sleepy Sunday at the zoo, all the animals suddenly begin to sneeze.

Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze! By Maureen Wright

Big Bear thinks that his tremendous sneezes are causing the leaves and apples to fall off the trees and the geese to fly away, but when the wind finally convinces him otherwise, he knows what to do.

Sneezenesia by Deb Lucke

Young Zack sneezes so hard, over and over, that he sneezes all memories out of his head, leaving everything he once knew standing before him, trying to figure out how to get back inside.

Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright

A snowman who finds it dreadfully cold keeps doing things that cause him to melt, while the children who rebuild him each time offer clothing to keep him warm.

The Seven Sneezes by Olga Cabral

A bunny, a kitten, a dog, a goose, a rooster, and a little boy and girl are magically transformed by the sneeze of a rag man.

Sneezy Louise by Irene Breznak

When Louise wakes up with itchy eyes, a wheezy throat, and a sneezy nose, she just knows it is not going to be a very good day.

Stop that Nose! By Martha Peaslee Levine

When young David’s father loses his nose after a particularly hearty sneeze, it takes a chase and an airplane ride before the naughty nose can be returned to its rightful face.

Solomon sneezes: a-choo by Marilyn Singer

Perfect for the young slapstick fan, this zany story shows the hilarious consequences of a sneeze that shakes the world.

One Day in the Jungle by Colin West

Starting with a butterfly, each successive animal sneezes louder until the elephant blows away the jungle.

Make your own spray bottle “Sneezy”: http://” https://thetutorcoach.com/cough-and-sneeze-cover-it-please/

Cover your sneeze activity: http://www.preschoolplaybook.com/2010/02/cover-your-sneeze.html

Down and Dirty!

The New Neighbors written and illustrated by Sarah McIntyre

As young rabbit siblings excitedly share the news that rats have moved into their building, worried neighbors inform them that rats are dirty, thieving, and destructive–but are they?

Who Wet my Pants? By Bob Shea

When Reuben the bear brings doughnuts to his forest friends, they discover that his pants are wet and he angrily accuses them of the dirty deed.

Maxi the Little Taxi by Elizabeth Upton

On his first day of work, Maxi the little taxi zooms around town splashing in puddles and getting very dirty. Soon, no one wants to ride in him–until a little boy convinces Maxi to go to the car wash.

The Girl Who Wouldn’t Brush her Hair by Kate Bernheimer

A little girl refuses to brush her hair, but when a team of mice takes up residence in her tangled locks, she faces a tough decision–to brush or not to brush.

Dirty Gert by Tedd Arnold

Little Gert loves to play in the dirt so much that she turns into a tree.

Sloppy Takes the Plunge written and illustrated by Sean Julian

Sloppy the tree dragon doesn’t want to take a bath. But when Dewdrop refuses to give him a hug until he’s clean… Sloppy reconsiders. Could it be that getting clean is nearly as fun as getting dirty?

The Pigeon needs a Bath! By Mo Willems

The Pigeon is dirty and he needs a bath, but he won’t go willingly.

Cowpoke Clyde and Dirty Dawg by Lori Mortensen

Following increasingly chaotic attempts to give his dog a bath, Cowpoke Clyde discovers there is only one way to get Dawg into the tub.

How to make mud bricks: https://www.parentingscience.com/preschool-science-experiment-mud.html

Clean mud recipe: https://www.growingajeweledrose.com/2013/02/recipe-for-play-clean-mud.html

Mud paint recipe: http://www.learnplayimagine.com/2014/03/mud-paint-recipe.html

Edible mud pie recipe: https://b-inspiredmama.com/kids-mud-pie-recipe