A place to share cool science ideas for storytime!

Archive for June, 2021


The Grand Expedition written and illustrated by Emma AdBåge

Two children plan a camping adventure and set up a tent in their own backyard, but when the pickles run out and mosquitoes arrive, they are ready to find Dad.

Mosquitoes Can’t Bite Ninjas written and illustrated by Jordan P. Novak

Mosquitoes are sneaky and quick and can bite all kinds of other people, but they are no match for a ninja.

Swamp Chomp written by Lola M. Schaefer

In the rippling waters of a swamp, mosquitoes fly and hum, dragonflies swoop and drone, and other creatures live their interwoven lives. Includes facts about swamps and food chains.

Mr. Mosquito Put on his Tuxedo written by Barbara Olenyik Morrow

The ball is buzzing! The music is humming and six-legged dancers–from bedbugs to crickets to ladybugs–are twirling. When suddenly…eeeegadd! Big feet are about to stomp on the whole affair! A dapper mosquito, dressed in a tuxedo, comes to the rescue and averts disaster.

Zzzng! zzzng! zzzng!: a Yoruba tale written by Phillis Gershator

When Ear, Leg, and Arm refuse to marry Mosquito, she shows them that she is not to be ignored.

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears: A West African tale written by Verna Aardema

In this Caldecott Medal winner, Mosquito tells a story that causes a jungle disaster.


Mosquito Bite written by Alexandra Siy

A game of hide-and-seek forms the backdrop of a mosquito’s life cycle. Micrographs show details of the mosquito and what she sees as she searches.

Mosquitoes written by Connie Colwell Miller

A brief introduction to mosquitoes, discussing their characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and predators.

Mosquito facts: https://animals.howstuffworks.com/insects/mosquito.htm

Buzzing mosquito craft: http://bookwormstreehouse.com/crafts-activities/buzzing-mosquito-craft/

Egg carton mosquito craft: https://www.powerfulmothering.com/mosquito-egg-carton-craft/

How to draw a mosquito: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/be/c4/a1bec4f64374b89701a0c48af853d187.png

Ants are Awesome!

One Mean Ant with Fly and Flea written by Arthur Yorinks

The mean ant and his companion, the fly, find themselves in a sticky situation.

One Mean Ant written by Arthur Yorinks

An astonishingly disagreeable ant meets his match in this pitch-perfect picture book comedy from Arthur Yorinks and Sergio Ruzzier. Was there ever an ant as mean as this mean ant? Not likely. This ant is so mean that leaves fall off trees when he walks by. This ant is so mean that grapes shrivel when he looks at them. But when this mean ant finds himself lost in the desert and meets a fly that defies explanation . . . well, nothing is the same again. With this first in a planned trilogy, celebrated picture book creators Arthur Yorinks and Sergio Ruzzier team up for a hilariously slapstick tale that will make a raucous read-aloud for any storytime.

Snail Crossing written and illustrated by Corey R. Tabor

Determined to make his way to a plump, crisp cabbage across the road, Snail risks speeding cars and hungry crows during a long and slow journey, before getting lost while helping a crew of ants escape a rainstorm.

The Paper Boat written and illustrated by Thao Lam

At her home in Vietnam, a girl rescues ants from the sugar water set out to trap them. Later, when the girl’s family flees war-torn Vietnam, ants lead them through the moonlit jungle to the boat that will take them to safety. Before boarding, the girl folds a paper boat from a bun wrapper and drops it into the water, and the ants climb on. Their perilous journey, besieged by punishing weather, predatory birds, and dehydration, before reaching a new beginning, mirrors the family’s own.

How to Walk an Ant written and illustrated by Cindy Derby 

There are nine steps to becoming an ant walker, and Amariyah, the expert ant walker, is here to show you how it’s done. This irreverent and quirky picture book follows a young girl as she goes through the process of walking ants, from polite introductions to tragic leash entanglements. In the end, this unique book shows that as long as you’re doing what you’re best at, you may find a like-minded friend to tag along.

Bring me a rock! Written and illustrated by Daniel Miyares

A tiny insect king demands a rock with which to build his throne.

One Hundred Hungry Ants written by Elinor J. Pinczes

One hundred hungry ants march off single file to sample a picnic, but when the going gets too slow, they divide into two rows of fifty, then four rows of twenty . . . until they take so long that the picnic is gone!


Ants written by Josh Gregory

Ants everywhere! — An ant’s life — Life in the colony — Incredible insects — Helpful or harmful?

Killer ants written by Nicholas Nirgiotis

Extraordinary facts abound in this mesmerizing picture book about the fearsome appearances, habitats, and hunting skills of killer ants.

What do ants like to eat experiment: https://www.giftofcuriosity.com/what-do-ants-like-to-eat-science-activity-for-kids/

Ant life cycle craft: https://www.pre-kpages.com/insect-science-ant-life-cycle-craft/

Walking ant paper puppets: https://kidscraftroom.com/walking-ant-craft/

Wikki-Stix Ant Farm: http://choices4children.blogspot.com/2013/04/wikki-stix-ant-farm.html?m=1

Tape Resist Ant Art: http://www.pinkstripeysocks.com/2015/04/tape-resist-ant-art.html

Seeds to Sunflowers

Lilla’s Sunflowers written and illustrated by Colleen Rowan Kosinski

Before her father leaves for a long trip Lilla gives him a sunflower seed, and after seasons pass she receives letters from families with photos of their loved ones with sunflowers, teaching Lilla that her gift to her father brightened others’ lives.

Surprise in the Meadow written and illustrated by Anna Vojtech

The seeds Chipmunk buried last fall are missing, but in their place a beautiful sunflower grows and by summer’s end, drops its seeds for Chipmunk and the other creatures in the meadow to enjoy.

How to Bicycle to the Moon to Plant Sunflowers: a simple but brilliant plan in 24 easy steps written by Mordicai Gerstein

Too busy with school, soccer, and other activities, a young boy who wants to cheer up the sad, lonely moon presents the reader with a step-by-step plan for becoming the first human to bicycle to the moon.

To Be Like the Sun written by Susan Marie Swanson

A child reflects on how a small, striped gray seed eventually becomes a strong, beautiful sunflower.

Big Yellow Sunflower written by Frances Barry

Describes how a little seed grows into a sunflower, in a book where the pages fold out to form a large sunflower.


The Life Cycle of a Sunflower written by Linda Tagliaferro

Watch sunflower seeds grow into beautiful sunflowers. Learn about this flower’s life cycle from start to finish.

Sunflower Facts for Kids:https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/plants/sunflowers.html

Sunflower Life Cycle Paper Plate:https://www.makinglearningfun.com/THEMEPAGES/SunflowerLifeCyclePaperPlate.html

Paper plate sunflower craft: http://www.papercraftsforchildren.com/2010/05/12/paper-plate-flower/

Fork print paint sunflower craft: https://www.craftymorning.com/simple-fork-print-sunflower-craft/

Sun and Sunshine

Seb and the Sun written and illustrated by Jami Gigot

Seb is determined to find some light for his sleepy coastal town. It is so far north, the sun does not shine in winter and the days are cold, dreary, and dark as night. So Seb embarks on a mission to find the sun. Along with his friend Walrus, he makes a plan, collects supplies, and rows far out to sea. Will Seb be able to find the sun and bring its light and warmth back to his town?

Rain Boy written and illustrated by Dylan Glynn

Wherever Rain Boy goes, rain follows, and when he is invited to Sun Kidd’s birthday party the other children complain that his presence is ruining their fun; now Sun Kidd is hiding in her room because she is upset by her friends’ behavior, and an apparently an endless storm has descended on the world–until they all discover that something wonderful happens when rain and sun finally get together.

The Weather’s Bet written and illustrated by Ed Young

Retells the fable, “The Wind and the Sun,” in which Wind, Rain, and Sun attempt to remove the cap of a shepherdess. Collage illustrations include symbols based on seal characters of Chinese pictograms.

Sun and Moon together written and illustrated by Ethan Long

Welcome to another busy day in Happy County! The Sun is out and shining down on lots of friends. Grammy Tammy from Miami is doing grimy, slimy laundry. Sssonny Sssnakerton wants to grow sssunflowers. And when the Sun says goodbye for the day, the Moon pops up for a new set of adventures. Now Molly and her mom can make moon shadows and howl night noises.

Sun Flower Lion written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes

Invites the reader to see the sun, bright as a flower, a flower on a hill that looks like a lion, a lion that dreams of flowers as big as the sun, and more.

The Sun Shines Everywhere written by Mary Ann Hoberman

Rhyming text and illustrations celebrate the sun’s constancy through history and around the world.

Usha and the Stolen Sun written by Bree Galbraith

Usha lives in a town where the sun hasn’t shone for as long as anyone can remember. Only her grandfather remembers its brilliance and tells Usha stories about the time before other people took the sun away, building a wall to keep it all to themselves. So Usha decides to do something, and sets off in search of the sun. When at last Usha reaches the wall, she tries to kick it down, climb it, yell her way through it–but the bricks don’t budge. It’s only after hearing voices on the other side of the wall that Usha changes her plan.

How the Sun got to Coco’s House written and illustrated by Bob Graham

The sun makes its journey across the world to Coco’s house to wake her up and follow her through another day.


The Science Behind Wonders of the Sun: sun dogs, lunar eclipses, and green flash.

Our special sun — Sunspots — Solar and lunar eclipses — Solar wind — Solar flares and ejections — Green flash — Sun dogs.

Solar Power: capturing the sun’s energy written by Laurie Brearley

A need for alternative energy — Our star — How have people used the sun through history? — Turning light into electricity — How do solar cells work? — The big truth! — Solar power in space — How does the International Space Station gets its power? — The hottest devices — What are some of today’s most incredible solar-powered devices? — A future powered by the Sun — How is solar power growing and changing?

Rivers of Sunlight: how the sun moves water around the earth written and illustrated by Molly Bang

The sun explains its role in the movement of water around the Earth, from the lifting of fresh water from the seas, to the movement of underwater currents that nourish the world’s oceans. The sun has a hand in moving rivers of water in its liquid, gaseous, and solid states all around the Earth, enabling life to exist on our planet. But human beings are interfering in this natural cycle, unbalancing the amount of fresh water available.

What is the Sun? written by Bridget Heos

Overview — Star light star bright — The sun’s core — The sun’s surface — The sun’s atmosphere — The sun and the solar system — How the sun warms the earth — The sun from pole to pole — The sun and the seasons — The sun through human history — The sun and the moon — The sun: the beginning and end.

Sun painting craft with plastic wrap: https://mrskarensclass.blogspot.com/2012/01/lets-fly-to-moon-or-jupiter.html

How to Make Sun Print Art with Coins: https://www.mombrite.com/sun-print-stem-activity/

Make a sundial: http://otherwiseeducating.blogspot.com/2010/12/sundial.html

Make raisins from grapes: http://www.planet-science.com/categories/under-11s/our-world/2012/05/make-your-own-raisins.aspx